Image Medicine Intensive Course in Kundawell Institute (December 19, 2016 - January 14, 2017)

Image Medicine Intensive Course in Kundawell Institute (December 19, 2016 - January 14, 2017)

The course is intended for:

  • Healers, Qigong practitioners, bioenergy-therapists, Reiki therapists, massage therapists;
  • Instructors and practitioners of ZYQ;
  • Physicians, who are interested in innovative treatment methods and methods of Traditional Chinese medicine;
  • Image therapists, who have attended Image Medicine workshops of Master Xu Mingtang (Parts I and II).

You will get the opportunity to:

  • learn how to diagnose various diseases using Image Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) techniques;
  • learn how to treat common diseases using Image Medicine and TCM;


December 19, 2016 - January 14, 2017
Duration: 27 days.
Application deadline: up to December 1, 2016.
Please note: The number of participants is limited.
To obtain the application form all participants need to send a request letter to the address:

Training program:

1. The main discipline: «Image Medicine»

Professors: Mingtang Xu, Smirnova Olga, Kuznetsova Flyura.
- Basic theory.
- Diagnosis of diseases.
- Image Medicine methods of healing.
- Practice to develop the diagnostic and healing abilities.
- Practical application of diagnosis and healing skills.
- Specifics of Image therapist’s work.
- Examination (theory and practice).

2. Section «Traditional Chinese Medicine»

Teachers: Lee Binlin, Li Jun, Zhang Zihui.
- Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
- The theory of energy channels and points.
- Diagnosis of diseases by TCM methods.
- Theory and practice of acupressure.
- Use of cups in TCM.
- Chinese “Tuina” massage.
- The method of “Guasha” (Chinese scraper).
- Moxibustion.
- Examination (theory and practice).

Cost of training:

20000 RMB (about $3045).
Payment is accepted in cash in U.S. dollars, euro and RMB at the current rate on the day of arrival. You can pay by credit card or by bank transfer to the Institute.

  • The price includes internet (wi-fi) from 9 am to 6 pm.
  • Accommodation and meals are not included in the price.
  • Kundawell provides help in booking “Botai” hotel (single or double room - 130 yuan per day).
    Please note: Prices for accommodation can vary.
  • You can have 3 meals per day in Kundawell Institute for an additional fee of 80 yuan per day.

Graduates of the course are issued:

  • Graduation certificate of Kundawell Institute (2 weeks practical intensive Image Medicine course).
  • Researcher Certificate of Beijing and American Kundawell Research Institute.
  • Image Therapist Certificate level 5.

During the training course all Kundawell students get 20% discount on healing sessions at all specialists of the Institute (except for the healing sessions of Professor Xu Mingtang).

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